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Carbon-Free Palo Alto


Palo Alto


Sustainable Practices, Climate Education

Mission Statement

The mission of Carbon Free Palo Alto (CFPA) is to articulate a vision of carbon neutrality for Palo Alto’s future and to make that vision a reality.

Engagement Opportunities

Use their form to sign up:
They focus a lot of their efforts on Palo Alto City Council and getting climate friendly policies through. Very interesting work you could help lead and get involved in.


What They Do

They help Palo Alto move to a carbon free city. They do this by education, advocacy, presentations, and involvement with the city.

How to Join

Yes, not too difficult. You'll have to click "yes" to the question "I'd like to help - contact me via email" in the form and they'll email you. Email Bruce ( if you don't get an email back.


General/Action: (Bruce)

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