A curated list of climate organizations with opportunities for youth
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Idaho Climate Justice League
The Climate Justice League (CJL) comprises dedicated students striving to enhance environmental conditions nationwide. Our mission involves advocating for more robust environmental regulations, raising awareness of climate justice issues, and educating communities about human impacts on the environment. Through active participation in activist events, lobbying for pro-environmental legislation, and fostering community engagement, we aim to mitigate carbon emissions and combat the effects of climate change.
Climate Education, Youth Leadership, Legislative, Clean Energy, Climate Justice

Idaho Conservation League
To create a conservation community and pragmatic, enduring solutions that protect and restore the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the land and wildlife you love.
Climate Education, Youth Leadership, Legislative, Clean Transportation, Climate Justice, Restoration of Ecosystem, Decarbonization

Idaho Rivers United
Idaho is home to 107,651 miles of river, and Idaho Rivers United is the only conservation organization in our state focused exclusively on the health and protections of our incredible river resources.
In addition to stressors such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, poorly managed and inefficient water systems, water quality, and declining aquifers, Idaho’s fast-growing population and increased demand for multi-use landscapes and natural resources is amplifying stressors on our rivers. We’re keeping Idaho's rivers healthy and flourishing for generations to come.
River Restoration, Legislative, Fish Protection and Recovery, Mining Reform

Youth Salmon Protectors
Youth Salmon Protectors works to build a coalition of young people across the Northwest dedicated to honoring tribal rights, breaching the 4 Lower Snake River dams, and saving wild salmon and southern resident orcas from extinction.
Boise, Lewiston, Moscow, Pocatello and the Wood River Valley
Youth Led, Restoration of Ecosystem, Climate Justice